4×4 Mountain Zebra National Park

4×4 Mountain Zebra National Park


  • NB: No booking necessary as the trails are open during the normal operating hours of the Park.
  • Only 4×4 vehicles may be used on the trails.
  • Please note: The Juriesdam and Sonnerust trails are relatively easy drives while the Umgeni trail is more challenging. Trails may be closed in the event of wet weather or maintenance.

This 14.2km trail starts on the Ubejane Loop and ends on the Link Road (which joins Ubejane to Rooiplaat Loops). It is situated in the north-western area of the Park, skirting the base of Saltpeterskop and ending on a plateau with scenic views.


This 10km trail starts and ends on the main entrance road into the Park. It explores the eastern plateau area of the Park.


This 8km trail takes about one hour to complete and starts on the Park’s main entrance road just north-west of the restcamp area.

Contact Info

  • Cradock