Jansenville Townhall and War Memorial

Jansenville Townhall and War Memorial


In 1853 Petrus Fourie arranged for the layout and survey of about 80 erven for the establishment of a township named Alexandria in honor of Ds. Alexander Smith, NGK Minister at Uitenhage, who visited the congregation once a quarter. However, by the time the application reached the authorities at the Cape, another community near the coast had beaten Fourie to the name. Jansenville was then decided on in honor of General Janssens, last of the Dutch Governors at the Cape, and Commander of the Dutch forces at the fateful Battle of Muizenberg.

The Jansenville Townhall is one of the town’s historic buildings and a war memorial put up after the First World War is located across the road from the townhall.

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  • Jansenville