Nieu-Bethesda water furrows


Nieu Bethesda has a working network of furrows, with water supplied daily from a spring on the plateau above the village. Residents channel water into their gardens using smaller gated funnels. Visitors can hike along the furrows up to the spring.

These ancient stone leivore date back to the early days of the village. Residents who have leivore running past their properties pay a minimal amount for water rights annually and channel water into their gardens using smaller gated funnels on the days when the water flows in that part of town.

Visitors to Nieu Bethesda don’t just have to see the water flow through town, it’s also possible to follow the trail up to the spring all along the main furrow into town.

Waterfurrow Walk

Time: 2 hours each way (4 hours return)
Difficulty: Easy
Path: Not marked and may be overgrown at times
More information: Get directions from the Karoo Lamb Restaurant.

The Waterfurrow Walk is a leisurely walk from Nieu-Bethesda following the water furrow feeding the village. Walk up the Diepkloof valley, along the furrow, then the stream.

Evidence of otters is common at the various swimming pools and the birding is good. Look for the siphon that channels water under the streambed just before the first good pool.

Contact Info

  • Nieu-Bethesda