Steytlerville Open Air Museum and Family Crests

Steytlerville Open Air Museum and Family Crests


As you enter Steytlerville you will witness family crests along Piet Retief Street ahead of you. To your left, you will see the Open Air Museum with an exhibit of farming implements and late nineteenth and twentieth-century everyday home equipment. Most of the exhibits on display were donated by local farmers. The nearby Steytlerville Museum is a small community-run museum established in 1967 which houses the history of settlement in the Steytlerville area. The museum includes clothes, house implements and memorabilia. The museum focuses on the history of the town and the surrounding farming communities and also includes artefacts from the Anglo Boer War.

In 2003 flags were erected on the main street depicting the Family Crests of Steytlerville families and encompassing crests from all communities. As it was mostly the White community that had family crests, the African and Coloured communities without traditional crests were encouraged to design their own to identify their unique family clans. Some of these family crests incorporate baking tins, cotton reels, rugby and soccer balls, sheep-shearing shears, shopping baskets and grapes.

Steytlerville is the only town in South Africa to document and publicly pay homage to family names.

More information on the history of the family crest can be found at the Tourism Office.

Contact Info

  • Steytlerville