Wrap up in the warm embrace of Karoo Heartland cooking this winter with this irresistable roast lamb recipe from the Rabbit Hole at Hillston Farm‘s Chef Adrienne Southey.
How to make the easiest roast leg of lamb or mutton:
(mutton has more flavour, so we prefer it, you just have to cook it a bit longer than lamb to get it nice and tender)
- Rub the meat with 2 teaspoons of salt and some black pepper.
- Place in a roasting dish and pour 1 1/2 cups of water around the meat. Crush 2 cloves of garlic and slice an onion and scatter over the meat along with 3 twigs of rosemary and 7 whole cloves.
- Cover and place in the oven at 180’C for 2-3 hours until the meat looks completely irresistible.